Friday, April 27, 2012

Women Just Can't Win

Politics can go too far. The fight for the right to choose to abort or not to abort is not a new fight. With the talk of the government being too big and interfering in personal freedoms, it is astounding that a program designed to help those with the most needs is first in line for demolition.  However, efforts have sunk to a new low to push personal agendas concerning abortion over the health and welfare of thousands of women.

 The government is scheduled to shutdown the Texas Women’s Health Program. Though the Obama Administration is pulling the plug on the funding, initially it was the Texas Legislature that included restrictions in the Medicaid Funding Bill. This bill was passed in 2011 but included a mandate that no funding could be used for facilities that provided abortion services. Even if the abortions at these facilities were not directly paid for with state funds, this mandate applies. 

Texas is the first state to have its Medicaid Family Planning Demonstration Program canceled by the federal government. Though Governor Perry is accusing President Obama of putting the needs of abortion providers over the well being of 100,000 women, it was the Texas Legislature that included the restriction in the bill in the first place. The Obama Administration is forced to withdraw funding.   

Governor Perry now plans to play the hero stating he will fund the women’s services even without aid of federal funding.  Texas is not a fan of federal government monies because the federal stimulus was turned down. Governor Perry wanted to play by his own rules.  Although  the Obama Administration can be applauded for standing its grounds, it is appalling that women will be left to fend for themselves in the already high cost health care arena. The state set the standard for the refusal of funding for clinics that provide abortions. Government Perry will do well to continue to fund the programs that he allowed to be cut.

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